The department of revenue has found the lack of control over the huge database that has created a possibly altered for the tax records. The head of the agency, Luis Cucalon stated the discovery in the lack of database control that is bartering the system. He mentioned the bribes that have been taken in exchange to alter the tax information that is almost impossible now. It is to determine that what would be the information you would like to collect in and how could it be changed.
The only way they want it to ensure is the making track of actions from the 620 members and that’s not even realistic. Later, he stated there is no trace found or generated with the transactions due to difficult situations occurrence and the agency seems to contract this arrangement. The Panamanian companies Risco will be strengthen their security perspectives with the arrangement of the USD 54,000. It will be for the problems that are serious depend upon the situation and to wait for award contracting.
Under this administration the agency could have bought the new technologies venture program that will cost them a sum of USD 500,000 however the Cucalon has rejected if it can work out. The former head of the agency, Gisela Alvarez de Porras has said that this system seems to have an internal accounting control to manipulate and sort the data’s. However, he disputed on his own a sum of USD 200 million as revenue that has stop been collected. The Porras deny if he has collected this money at his end.